Mesha/Aries June-July 2010

Monthly horoscope for Mesha Rashi

Venus and mercury transits benefic houses. So you can expect good results. You will be relieved from mental pressure. Wife's health will improve. Marriages will take place in family. Help from elder brothers is predicted. You can repay your debts during this month.

For your rashi kethu is posited at 3rd house which will give you energy. Benefits through Hindi, Telegu speaking people. Since mars occupies 5th house there is possible misunderstanding with friends and relatives. Since saturn is strongly placed in 6th house you will get friendship of VIPs. Visit to pilgrimages is expected. Since rahu is at 9th house (house of father) and sun is associated with kethu this will make the father ill-health. Since guru is located in 12th house there may be expenses for good sake.

Lucky days: june 15, 20, 21, 28, 29 and July 1,2,9,11,16
Chandrashtama days: June 23 2.30 PM to 24,25 7.30 PM