Guru / Jupiter - The most beneficial

Jupiter is considered the most beneficial planet among the nine planets. It aspect is considered very auspicious. Jupiter is the Deva Guru (teacher of the demi gods). A horoscope with strong Jupiter indicates trouble free life. Jupiter signifies happiness, knowledge, children / progeny, teachers, bhramins, knowledge of vedas, enlightment, male progeny, elder brothers, respect, awards from government, justice, honesty, professors, lecturers, lawers, advocates, diplomacy, etc.

Jupiter give good results when he occupies 2,5,7,9,11 houses in birth horoscope. Give good results in kadaka, Viruchika and Meena rashi. He will not give good results if he is in vagra (retrograde motion), asthanga (combust) situations. Will give good results when occupies Uthiram, Uthiradam, punarpoosam, uthiratathi, vishakam nakshatras in birth horoscope. In hastham, Thiruvathirai, Sathayam, Swathi nakshatras he will give bad results. He will starting giving results two months prior to entering a new rashi. Jupiter stays for one year at each rashi. He will give good results in middle 2 months.