Which planet determines gochara?
For Daily horoscopes we need to consider the position of Moon (chandra). This 'graha' is fast moving and transits a rashi / sign in just 2.5 days.
For monthly horoscope prediction we need to consider the position of sun, venus, mars and mercury. These planets transits a house in about a month's time.
For yearly predictions Jupiter /guru, saturn / sani and rahu-ketu are used.
If jupiter and saturn get malefic positions according to transit then whenever mars and sun tranits benefic houses then bad results will be experienced.
When sun and mars are malefic the good results of moon are not experienced by the native.
If a person is ill while moon transits a malefic house in gochara, then his health will improve when moon enters a benefic sign.
But the good are bad results according to transit will happen only if the results are promised in the birth horoscope. For example if a horoscope shows 'puthra dosha' (no child) he will have no children even if guru / jupiter enters 5th house (guru is 'puthra karaka' (planet for progeny/children)) during transit.
So Gochara / tranist should be used to timing events that are promised in the birth chart. It will be more accurate if it is used along with vimshottari dasa system. Using these two tools one can accurately predict when things will happen. Things like marriage, child birth, profession, job, lottery speculation can be determined using these tools.
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