Dasa Systems in Vedic astrology

What is Dasa Systems in Astrology?

In Indian Vedic system of astrology Dasa systems are used for prediction based on ruling dasa lord. According to vimsothari (a popular dasa systems) the nine planets sun, moon, mars, rahu, jupiter, saturn, mercury, ketu and venus rules a person's life in order. During the dasa of a planet the matters pertaining to the house occupied by the dasa lord and the house ruled by the dasa planet will happen. For example if jupiter is the dasa lord and jupiter is the lord of 7th house, the 7th house matters such as marriage will happen.

Vimshottari dasa was advocated by the great Jyotish, sage parashara, and widely followed in India for predictions. This system considers the total life span of human being to be 120 years and allocate different amount of years for the nine planets.

According to vimshottari dasha the following is the dasa period for the nine planets:

Sun - 6 years
Moon - 10 years
Mars - 7 years
Rahu - 18 years
jupiter - 16 years
saturn - 19 years
Mercury - 17 years
Ketu - 7 years
Venus - 20 years

How the dasa of a person is calculated?

The vimsothari dasa is purely based on the longitude of Moon at the time of birth. First we need to find the birth nakshatra  / star. Birth nakshatra is the constellation which moon occupies during birth. According to Vedic Astrology the there are 27 constellations ranging from Ashwini to Revati. Each constellation is ruled by one of the nine planets. The starting dasa is the ruler of janma (birth) nakshatra. For example if a child born in 'Krittika' nakshatra the first dasa is that of Sun. Because sun is the lord of 'Krittika' nakshatra. Next we need to find the dasa balance. We know that sun's dasa period is 6 years. But at the time of birth the moon may have traversed some longitudes in 'Krittika' nakshatra. So we need to deduct that period. We know there is 27 constellation along the 360 degree zodiac. So each naksatra spans for 13.333 degree. Suns's 6 years is applicable for this 13.333 degrees. If moon has traversed some degrees in krittika we need to deduct that period. Feel confused? It is very easy with an example.

Before going into the example we need to know the naksatra lord. Each planet rules 3 nakshatras. So the total 27 nakshatras are ruled by 9 planets. Here is the lordship of nine planets.

Sun - krittika, uthiram (U Phalguni), uthiradam (U Asadha)
Moon - Rohini, Hastham, Thiruvonam (Shravana)
Mars - Mirigashirish, chithirai, Avittam (Dhanistha)
Rahu - Thiruvathirai (Ardra), Swathi, Sathayam (Sata Bhishaj)
Guru / jupiter - Punarpoosam (Punarvasu), Visakam, pooratathi (P Bhadrapada)
Saturn - Poosam (pushya), Anusham (anuradha), Uthiratathi
Mercury - Aayilyam (ashlesha), Kettai (Jyeshtha), Revati
Ketu - Aswini, Maham, Moolam
Venus - Bharani, Pooram (P Phalguni), Pooradam (P Asadha)

The following is the twelve rashi / zodiac signs and the nakshatra constellations in those signs.

Mesha / Aries : Ashwini, Bharani, Krittika
Vrishaba / Taurus : Krittika, Rohini, Mrigasira
Mithuna / Gemini : Mrigasira, Thiruvathirai (Ardra), Punarpoosa (Punarvasu)
Kadaka / Cancer : Punarpoosam (Punarvasu), Poosam (Pushya), Aayilyam
Simha / Leo : Maham, Pooram (P Phalguni), Uthiram (U Phalguni)
Kanni / Virgo : Uthiram, Hastham, Chittirai
Thulam / Libra : Chithirai, Swathi, Vishakam
Viruchigam / Scorpio : Visakam, Anusham (anuradha), Kettai (jyeshtha)
Thanush / Sagittarius : Moolam, Pooradam (P Asadha), Uthiradam (U Asadha)
Makaram / Capricorn : Uthiradam, Thiruvonam (Shravana), Avittam (Dhanistha)
Kumbham / Aquarius : Avittam, Sathayam (Sata Bhishaj), Pooratathi (P Bhadrapada)
Meenam / Pisces : Pooratathi, Uthiratathi (U Bhadrapada), Revati

With this information on hand we can move on to the example of calculating vimsottari dasha:

We consider a child born on 29-April-1979, 5:18 AM IST (Indian Standard Time), place of birth: Coimbatore, Tamilnadu

You can use ephemeris or computer calculations. Computers are accuarte and speed comparing ephemeris / panchang.

We get the following longitudes

SUN    : 14°31'34''
MOON    : 45°17'24''
MERCURY    : 348°30'54''
VENUS    : 343°27'36''
MARS    : 353°23'43''
JUPITER    : 97°11'43''
SATURN    : 133°36'24''
URANUS    : 205°53'08''
NEPTUNE    : 236°34'32''
PLUTO    : 173°42'45''
RAGHU    : 141°24'36''
KETHU    : 321°24'36''

To calculate dasha first find the Nakshatra constellation of moon. Moon is at 45.28 degree. We know each nakstra spans 13.33333 deg. By diving 45.28 by 13.333 we get,

45.28 / 13.333 = 3.3960849.

So Moon crossed 3 nakshatra and at fourth nakshatra, ie. Rohini and Moon is the lord of Rohini. So the first dasa is that of Moon. We need to calculate the balance of moon dasha. We know the total years for moon is 10.

By using Mod operator the remainder is, 45.28 MOD 13.333 = 5.281

This 5.28 degree is the distance traversed in Rohin nakshatra.

For 13.333 degree total period is 10 years

For 5.28 degree, (10/13.33)*5.28 = 3.96 years or 3 years, 11 months, 21 days.

This period is the period elapsed and remaining period is 6 years and 11 days for moon.

So moon's dasa will be upto birth date + 6 years , 11 days,

29-April-1979 + 6 years, 11 days = 10-05-1985

The end date of Moon's dasa is the start date of next dasa planet Mars dasa. We can calcuate these period's by simply adding the total period for these planets.

Moon From 29-apr-79 to 10-5-85
Mars From 10-5-85 to 10-5-92
Rahu From 10-5-92 to 10-5-2010
Jupiter From 10-5-2010 to 10-05-2026
Saturn From 10-05-26 to 10-5-45
Mercury From 10-5-45 to 10-5-62
Ketu From 10-5-62 to 10-5-69
Venus From 10-5-69 to 10-5-89

Sun's dasa is not listed. After venus the person completes the age of 110 years. The sun's dasa will come after if the person is still alive. Nowadays most people do not cross the age of 100 years. 60-70 years is the average lifespan even in developed countries.

How to calculate the AntharDasa?

The Major dasa is futher divided into Anthar Dasa. Anthar Dasa can further be divided into paryanthar dasa. This division is needed to determine the exact time of an event. The horosocpic chart reveals certain important events in a person's life. The dasa system is used to to pin-point the timing of this event.

In the above example Rahu rules 18 years from 10-5-92 to 10-5-10. During the Maha Dasa / Major Dasa of 18 years. The the nine planets take turn as sub-dasa / antardasa lords.

The anthar dasa is also called bukthi. The first antar dasa will be the same planet as dasa lord. The next is from the dasa sequence / order. For rahu dasa first bukthi / antardasa will be that of rahu. Next is jupiter, Next is saturn and so on. The period is proportional to each palnet.

For example rahu's Major Period is for 18 years. It's sub period is calculated by,

Rahu Major is 18 years out of 120 years

Rahu's sub is, (18/120)*18 = 2.7 years or 986 days.

Next, Jupiters sub-period under Rahu's major period,

Jupiter's period is 16 years out of total 120 years,

It's sub-period under rahu's major is (18/120)*16 = 2.4 years or 876 days.

In this manner we can calcuate other planet's sub also.

To calculate jupiter's sub-period under Jupiter Major Dasa,

(16/120)*16 = 2.13 years or 779 days

Saturn's sub-period under Jupiters major period

Saturn's dasa period is 19 years

(16/120)*19 = 2.53 years or 925 days

sub periods can be further divided into sub-sub periods.

What are the other dasa systems followed in vedic astrology?

Parasara proposed some other dasa systems like Yogni dasa, kalachakra dasa and shat-trimsa dasa and advised when and how to use these systems. Nowadays astrologers don't have enough knowledge about all these systems. They use only vimsottari dasa for all persons.