Making Daily Predictions

How daily horoscope predictions are made?

Newspapers, magazines and other media like Television, radio and internet make daily, monthly and yearly horoscope predictions. These predictions are rasi / moon sign specific. In Indian vedic system moon is symbolized for physical body and sun for soul / Atman. Moon is also the 'Karaka Graha' for Mind. So Moon / Chandra plays important role in Indian astrology and horoscope predictions.

There are 12 signs/rasi in the zodiacal circle each has 30 degrees. These are astrology basics. Indian astrology considers 27 nakshatra constellations. At the time of birth a persons birth nakshatra is found by the position of moon.

For Daily or monthly predictions the Gochar/Transit position of nine planets are taken. Birth stars position is compared to the planets current nakshatra's position. The results will vary according the house where the planet is posited its relationship, exaltation, debiliation, kendra , trikona positions and more. Another concept Janma, Anujanma, Thrijanma is used to for daily horoscope predictions.

To find them count current nakshatra from birth nakshatra position. The first is JanmaThara, second Sambath Thara, Third Vibathu thara, fourth Kshema thara, Fifth Prathyara Thara, Sixth Sathaka Thara, Seventh Vatha Thara, Eight Maithra Thara, Ninth Parama Maithram.

When the planet is in 2,4,6,8 positions it is good and results are benefic. When it is in 3,5,7,9 positions the results are harmful.